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Eco-Friendly Trends in African Clothing

Eco-Friendly Trends in African Clothing

Jun 17th 2021

Over the centuries, African people have made many things from their hands, ranging from baskets to lampshades to carvings to pottery. All of them have been great for the environment. But attention needs to be turned to the clothing they wear - like eco-friendly African-inspired clothing. What are some thing that show they are trending toward helping their home planet?

Repurposed Clothes

Photo Courtesy: Matheus Ferrero

There is a big market throughout Africa for second-hand clothes from other countries. This is considered to be eco-friendly since they are not destroyed or put into landfills and are used by people. The problem is that local African companies cannot compete with this and the government has considered banning imports like this to help build up the locals.

Watching The Carbon Footprint

The African fashion industry has caused a good amount of carbon to be emitted - 10% of the country’s total yearly output. This despite their taking a backseat to other sectors. It’s not just the African fashion people - fashion as a global whole has caused a lot of greenhouse gases to be emitted.

It’s important for the smaller companies that do take the pains to make sure that they are ecologically responsible to find the more upscale members of their country so that they can spread the word and keep improving things for the planet.

Educating People About Ecology

Photo Courtesy: Cherie Birkner

Unfortunately, a lot of people in Africa are not aware of what they are doing to the planet - it’s simply a matter of survival for them. That is changing as the companies are adopting ways of making things eco-friendly from the very start - beginning with the harvesting of the material to the production through the storage and even the shipping.

The main goal of these African clothing companies is to both help the environment as well as give the consumers things that they want.

There are many companies in Africa now that have taken the responsibility to make clothes ethically very seriously. This fits in well with the general African philosophy, which disdains waste.

As these trends continue through 2021 and beyond, people will be glad to wear clothes made from Africa that they know have been made by those who have kept in mind their responsibility toward the planet that they call home. They will have done their part to help ensure the future for those who are yet to be born.